Tidy up on your protection to minimize your risks.
Janitorial and cleaning service bonds provided by Insurance Incorporated.
Bonds for both cleaning and janitorial services are beneficial to your business. It helps build your credibility and protects you from any unknowns that arise. We are prepared to show you these risks to help you grow your business safely.
Brush up on your business operations.
Janitorial bonds are often required before cleaning services can be performed on most projects. They provide your clients with peace of mind and show your responsibility toward a theft your employees could perform on their property.
Simple solutions for protection.
Janitorial bonds do not cover property damage; however, a combination of coverages can be designed into your policy, such as general liability, workers’ compensation, and commercial auto. This can protect you from major risks you may face during business operations.
Reasons why your company should be bonded.
Bonding can reimburse a client who is a victim of theft. Although your company may background check and vet employees thoroughly, a few problem employees could fall through the cracks. In other matters, janitorial bonds can provide a defense in court, even if you’re not at fault. Cleaning bonds help you attract large clients. The majority of large accounts won’t even consider contractors that are not bonded. Bonds are fairly inexpensive—the number of new contracts a bond will allow you to bid on vastly outweighs the cost of the bond.
Don’t chance your business to financial loss. Contact our agency to learn more about your cleaning and janitorial business options.
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As an independent agency, we are here to help you find the right Janitorial and Cleaning Service Bonds coverage.
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As an independent agency, we are here to help you find the right coverage.
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